New Mathematical Foundations for Physics

Askloster, Sweden, July 23-26 2009

This was a miniseminar supported by Georg Wikman, and organised by Basil Hiley (Birkbeck). For more information see Askloster Symposia.

Here is a group photo.
From left to right: Basil Hiley, Andreas Doering, Georg Wikman, Michael Wright,
Yuri Manin, Lou Kauffman, Ronnie Brown, Raymond Brummelhuis,
Maurice de Gosson, Isar Stubbe, Bob Coecke, Freddie van Oystaeyen

I gave two  (beamer) presentations as follows (press `pagedown' to proceed through the presentation):

Some intuitions of higher dimensional algebra, and potential applications pdf   (2.5MB)

Category theory, higher dimensional algebra, groupoid atlases: prospective descriptive tools in theoretical neuroscience pdf  (2.5MB)

More photos:

All photos were taken by photographers from the Hallands Nyheter.

July 28, 2009

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