This beaten gold breast plate, 5 inches
square, (15cm), was found amongst the
bones of a tall robust man in the most
important burial mound at Stonehenge,
England. Was he the architect of the
greatest of the Stone Age Monuments?
One of the best examples of this is the entrance stone of New
Grange tumulus near Dublin, Ireland. This symbol is so powerful
and to me means `expanding awareness'.
An even older form of this spiral, dating from 16,000 BC, has
been found at Mal'ta, Siberia. On this ivory medallion is a large
spiral that seems to come out of the hole in the centre. On the
other side of the medallion are carved three snakes. But for me
the exciting thing is the three pairs of `running spirals' just
as I have used in CONCEPTION. This sculpture is cut from an ovoid, the symbol of life.