Ordering the RPAMath CDRom

available at £10 including VAT (as appropriate) and postage.

This price covers costs, and something towards development of future versions. For orders of 10 or more copies we charge £8 per copy (including VAT and postage).

For those calling personally at the School of Informatics, a copy is available at £8 cash or cheque.

For on line ordering and payment in the USA, see the link below to Mathartfun, Tempe, AZ.

Anyone with a copy of version 1 can upgrade to version 1.1 on returning their disk with a payment of £5 to cover cost, administration and postage. Your version 1 disc will be returned to you with the new version, since it has 800 x 600 animations which are not on the new sleeker version, where the largest animations are 640 x 480.

The preferred payment mode is sterling cheque, payable to University of Wales, Bangor. We cannot accept non sterling cheques or cash.

Send to
CD Orders
Centre for the Popularisation of Mathematics
Dean St.
Gwynedd LL57 1UT
United Kingdom

fax: +44 1248 361429

To cut administrative costs, we should receive cheques (or cash) with order, but will accept orders for £100 or more on headed notepaper from institutions, to whom we will send an invoice. Alternatively, we can send a simple price notice if that is acceptable. We hope a printout of this page is acceptable.

We also accept payment by Mastercard/Visa. Orders can be emailed to
or faxed to
Natalie Land, School of Informatics, +44 1248 361429.

Credit card information should include: card address, delivery address, card holder.
Credit card number and expiry date should not be emailed but should be faxed with the order (this is prefereable) or given by phone to Natalie (+44 1248 382686) being aware that information by telephone is easily misheard!

Copies of the 1989 A4 Booklet based on the exhibition are also available at £1 + 50p postage.

Queries to Natalie Land.

The CDRom can also be ordered and paid for securely on line from Mathartfun.
Once there, click on "Computer Stuff", and then "CDs and Software" to get to the listing.


Origins and Funding
Advantages of CDRom
Licensing Information
System Requirements