Ordering `Topology and Groupoids'
December 19, 2013Sales through amazon.com (lowest price $31.99) or amazon.co.uk (standard price £16.85). amazon.fr (lowest price EURO 20.06) amazon.de (lowest price EURO 20.83)
Wholesale Ordering. Attention Bookstores
and libraries: you may order any title from BookSurge through their direct
wholesale program. Ordering is easy, they say. Simply call their wholesale
ordering hotline at +1-866-308-6235. The book is also on the Nielsen bookdata
list and is now printed in the UK by Bookforce Ltd for amazon.co.uk orders.
Please recommend the book to your library. Here is a 1 page
advertisement/information leaflet.

PDF version
A pdf of the book with full hyperref and some colour was available through a firm called kagi, who folded in 2016, with many creditors, so I am now making the pdf freely available at Topology and Groupoids-e.ERRATA (July 30, 2009)
Please let me know of any other errors or misprints. All these corrections, except the last, have been made in the e-version of 30/06/08, which may be accessed by those who have bought it.
For the convenience of referers, here is a bibtex entry
author = {R. Brown},
ALTeditor = {},
title = {Topology and Groupoids},
publisher = {Booksurge LLC, S. Carolina},
year = {2006},
OPTkey = {},
OPTvolume = {},
OPTnumber = {},
OPTseries = {},
OPTaddress = {}
OPTedition = {},
OPTmonth = {},
OPTnote = {},
annote = { This is a revised and extended version of the author's old topology
book, with previous editions in 1968 and 1988. The revised version is xxv+512
rather than xvi+460 pages, and the material has been reorganised to emphasise
the topology/groupoids translation. }
Why POD publication?
People may ask why this new edition is published in this way. The answers are:
the Booksurge author contract, which you can find on www.booksurge.com, in
terms of royalties
(for paperbacks, 25% of published price for amazon.com sales, which has been increased from 01 Feb 2008 to 35%); further, payment is made one month in arrears, provided the sum is more than $25; - author friendliness (the contract is non exclusive!);
- the avoidance of the print run, and so of the problem of a book going out of print;
- the price for the buyer, which makes it more likely that the book will be bought and read, especially by the young, one of the main reasons for writing an academic book;
- relatively cheap ($50) provision for an updated version;
- the allowance for an e-version to be sold separately, because the contact is non exclusive; I hope this will lead to more readers;
- the preparation and design of the text and cover was under my control. This has allowed me to use the eulervm maths fonts with charter for the text. See the sample chapter for the result.
- I was not sure that a main publisher would take on this third edition at a reasonable published price and royalty.
I found some of the web links on POD very useful, particularly `The Fine Print', by Mark Levine, a copyright lawyer. His analysis seems to be largely of USA POD companies. It seems reasonable that you should learn the background to publishers' contracts before signing anything to do with publishing! I should have done so.